About ME
My publications have received hundreds of citations, I have received various grants and fellowships including Fulbright, and I have been an invited presenter at NBER Summer Institutes.
PhD in Economics, Southern Methodist University
Intermediate macroeconomics and principles macroeconomics at Seton Hall University
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400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079 USA; and 1 Fielding Road, Short Hills, NJ 07078 USA+1 973 202 5964Research
Working Papers by Topic
Long-Term Economic Growth and Income Gaps
We clarify the concept of convergence. This concept has been defined in many ways in growth theory and empirics. Recently, a rise in the poorer country income as a proportion of the richer country’s income has been called relative convergence, a decrease in the poorer country’s income short fall from the richer country’s income absolute convergence, and equality of the initially poorer country’s income to the richer country’s income that depends on the initial conditions full convergence We prove for continuous income changes the following: Relative convergence is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for absolute convergence and relative divergence is a sufficient but not a necessary condition for absolute divergence. We emphasize that fastergrowth is not sufficient for income gap reduction - it may take even 800/900 years of faster growth before income gaps start decreasing. Neo-classical growth theory has not used the phrases “relative convergence” or “full convergence” in describing convergence. Some seminal papers have used the phrase“absolute convergence” but given it the meaning that all countries’ incomes eventually become equal irrespective of initial conditions. We relate convergence concepts as defined above to the meaning other authors have given to “convergence” in growth theory since 1956.
"Long-Run Catching-Up And Falling-Behind And Human Capital" May, 2024
It has been recognized in the last 20-30 years that incomes rarely grow in a linear path over more than a decade. Weexamine the relative importance of catching-up in inputs and in the efficiency with which inputs are used in explaining catching-up in (relative) income. Using data as long as 64 years from one geographical region, Sub-Saharan Africa, we find growth miracles and failures may each last 20 to 30 years. We separate long-term catching-up growth periods from long-term falling-behind periods and examine
proximate factors for the two. The main difference of the divergence panels from the r-convergence panels is on the role of human capital. When human capital is contributing to income, countries are catching up (in relative income) - and TFP is about one-half as important as human capital. When it is not, they are falling behind both relatively and absolutely.
"EU Accession, Institutional Change, Growth and Human Capital" May, 2024
We examine roles of initialinstitutions at transition and change in institutions upon joining the EU on incomes of European ex-socialist countries. The countries are divided in three groups: V4, Baltic and Slovenia (ELLS) andBulgaria and Romania, (B&R), ELLS had greater deterioration in institutions at transition. Using four EU15 countries as controls for DIDestimation, ATET is positive for all three groups and is greater for ELLS and B&R. The positive ATET is explained by greaterpost-accession contribution of human capital – the better skilled labor at transition needed the right institutions to create value it was capable of.
"Long-Term Growth Miracles and Failures and Human Capital (PWT 9.1)" January, 2022.
Therecent empirical growth literature has noted that most countries’ incomes do not grow uniformly over periods longer than a decade or so. We ignore the short-term, consider income variations over the long run (up to 65 years) and two growth regimes, and take growth relative to a numeraire country. The two regimes are: periods when a country’s income is catching-up (relative
convergence) and when it is falling-behind (both relative and absolute divergence). To minimize parameter heterogeneity, we consider one geographical region, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The average catching-up duration for this region is 19.4 years, average falling-behind is 28.1 years and the number of periods for the two experiences is almost the same. Performing growth accounting by panel estimation separately for the two sets of periods, we find when human capital is contributing to growth in a positive and statistically significant way, countries are catching-up; when it is not, they are falling behind. For the catching-up panels, we find total factor productivity (TFP) to be less important than human capital for both growth and income levels, and the excess-effect of human capital over TFP is about 2.5 times for growth than for income levels."State of the Developing World: PPP Income, Catching-Up/Falling Behind, and No Growth," June 2021
See abstract at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2909338
"South Asia/Frontier Long-Term Income Dynamics and Income-Health Relationships," July 2019.
See abstract at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3277198
Globalization and Institutions"Multinational Corporations and Institutions" July 2019.
See abstract at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2909320
“Foreign Aid and Long-Term Prospects of Recipients,” September 2019.
See abstract at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3277203
Published Papers by Topic
Total citations to my papers: 689 on 05/30/23 (including some to working papers)
For list of citations, see, my Google Scholar profile here.
Long-Term Economic Growth and Income Gaps, Total Citations: 43.
“Income Convergence and The Catch-Up Index,” The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 48 (2019), pp. 613-627. Published online August 16, 2018, Cited by: 43.
Stillbirths and Life Expectancy, Total Citations: Five
"Stillbirths: How should its rate be reported, its disability-adjusted-life-years (DALY), and stillbirths adjusted life expectancy, "BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Vol. 19 (2019), pp. 133-140, Cited by: Five
Globalization and Institutions, Total Citations: 33.
“Financial Openness & Institutions In Developing Countries,” Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 46, December 2018, pp 240-250, Cited by: 10
“Are Institutions In Developing Countries Malleable,” Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 38 (2016), Issue 2, pp. 272-289. Cited by: 23.
Capital Flight and Capital Flows, Total Citations: 319.
“Relationship Between Different Types of Private Flows To Developing Countries,” Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences, Vol. 4 (2010), Issue 1, pp. 58-82, Cited by: Six.
“Capital Flight,” Commissioned Entry in the Encyclopedia of Globalization, Vol. I (2007), R. Robertson and J.A. Scholte (eds.), published by Routledge. ISBN # 0-415-97314-7
“Capital Mobility among Advanced Countries.” Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 27, December 2005, pp. 1067-1081, Cited by eight.
"The Asian Crisis and Financial and Capital Account Liberalization,” pp. 98-108 in Chatterji, M. and P. Gangopadhyay (eds.) “Economic Globalization and Asia.” (2005) Ashgate Publishing Ltd., U.K., ISBN # 0-75-46414-7,
“What is Capital Flight?” The World Economy, Vol. 25, No. 3, March 2002, pp. 341-358, Cited by 71.
“Capital Inflows and Capital Flight – Individual Countries Experience,“ Journal of Economic Integration, December 1998, pp. 644-61, Cited by 36.
“Foreign Direct Investment and Capital Flight” Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 80 (1996), International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Cited by 198.
Transfer Pricing, Total Citations: 325
“Minority Ownership, Deferral, Perverse Intra-firm Trade and Tariffs,” International Economic Journal, Spring 1995, pp. 19-39. Cited by 26.
“Multinational Firms and Government Revenues,” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 42 (1990), Issue 2, pp. 135-47/ Cited by 92.
“Perverse Intra-firm Trade,” Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 56 (1989), No. 1; Cited by 11.
“Foreign Subsidiary, Transfer-pricing and Tariffs.” Southern Economic Journal 55 (1988), 162–170; Cited by 44
“Endogenous Transfer Pricing and the Effects of Uncertain Regulation,” Journal of International Economics, 24 (1988), 147-157; Cited by 152.
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